Blog Purpose

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Throughout our lives, we both had an acute interest in science and human health.  Danielle pursued a biology degree with a fleeting interest in med school and Stephan, after spending his youth watching his mother work as a doctor in the emergency room, followed in his father’s footsteps and pursued an education in chemical engineering.

We also both grew up with family histories of different chronic health situations, from connective tissue and heart disorders, high blood pressure and cholesterol, PKU, food and in/outdoor allergies, severe asthma to structural and functional sinus abnormalities.  Unfortunately, some of our health conditions intensified during a 2 year exposure to mold and lingered even after we removed ourselves from that environment. 

After 4 years of what seemed like back-to-back sinus infections, recurring bronchitis, constant dry cough, head fog, skin rashes, food intolerances and intensifying indoor & outdoor allergies (culminating in EpiPen® prescriptions), we found a doctor – a former Navy ENT – knowledgeable on how detrimental molds and their mycotoxins are to the human body for years after exposure ends.  He not only knew what to look for and had answers, but also recommended immediate solutions to bring us back to health.

We started our detox program in March 2019 with an immediate diet change, new exercise routine and infrared sauna sessions.  Through our continued research, we discovered we, unfortunately, are not alone.  Mold and mycotoxin poisoning is not considered a serious condition in the medical community, despite the debilitating daily impact on countless patients.  Many of these patients are still living without any answers, with doctors downplaying their symptoms, ordering antibiotic prescription after antibiotic prescription and suggesting allergy shots.  Or the dreaded, all too often heard, response that nothing is wrong.  This one is usually accompanied by “the” tone that says the patient is over-reacting.

We benefited and found a recovery path because of the shared stories of similar experiences, and therefore, want to continue the chain by sharing our story, our detox measures and our exercise routines in the AKDYS Mold Toxicity “Battle” Blog.  Our goal is to provide what works for us in the hope it will help other “mold victims” learn about options to discuss with their healthcare professionals and find their way back to feeling like their normal, healthy self.