Swimming quickly became part of our daily workout routine. In late September, we started with a 1,000 meter swim every other day, alternating days with our treadmill & free weight workouts. By early November, we already were up to swimming 1,500 meters x 4 days in a row (taking day 5 as a rest day). In December, for the first time, I reached my goal of 2,000 meters in a swim session and by January 2020 I mastered 2,500 meters in a couple swim sessions.
I really tried to beat her, but as I got better and faster, so did Dani. While I was celebrating my first 2,500 meter success she was already at the 3,200 meter mark.
Swimming offered us a lot of interesting benefits over other workouts and it comes, as always with those things, down to personal preference & ability. I personally like that one hour of swimming gives me a full body workout without stressing my joints. I get out of the pool tired but refreshed. My muscles ache but there is no joint pain sensation. I burn 400+ calories but I’m not drenched in sweat. Swimming is our “quiet” workout. It’s you and the water and nothing else really matters. I can just stop thinking and pause my brain while I swim or, in Dani’s case, she can really focus on whatever she is brainstorming about. Usually any noise and chatter from other parts of the pool (like swim team practice or the weekly water aerobics lessons) are drowned out by our own breathing, but, just to make sure I get my quiet time and to avoid swimmer’s ear, I wear earplugs. And our favorite part about the one hour, exhausting swim is the hot, muscle relaxing shower afterwards. Fins Up!
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